A Legacy of Radiation Protection - Brief History

xray history Feb 05, 2024

In the ever-advancing field of medical imaging, ensuring the safety of both patients and healthcare professionals remains paramount. A captivating historical snapshot illustrates this commitment: a radiologist attentively operates the latest X-ray apparatus, enveloped in protective lead apparel. This image is more than just a moment frozen in time; it represents a pivotal chapter in the history of radiological safety.

A Shield in the Storm - The Lead Apron

When X-rays were first discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, the potential dangers of radiation exposure were not immediately recognized. It wasn't long, however, before the adverse effects began to manifest, prompting the development of protective measures. Lead, known for its high density and atomic number, proved to be an effective barrier against ionizing radiation. Thus, the lead apron became a staple in radiology departments worldwide.

The Lead Apron: A Radiologist's Armour

The lead apron's primary function is...

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